Level up your strength with these moves
Maintain or build your strength in the summer with these exercises that you can do in the water.

If you have access to a pool and want to mix things up a bit this summer, try these moves in the water. You’ll benefit from the added resistance. (It’s like adding extra weights without needing any equipment.) If you’d rather stay dry, you can do these poolside or in your living room.
Recommended reps: 2 sets of 10
Depth: No higher than your waist
1 | Stand in the water with your feet hip-width apart. Your toes should be pointing forward.
2 | Straighten your arms and hold them out in front of you.
3 | Tighten your core and bend at your knees.
4 | Pull your hips back. This movement should remind you of sitting in a chair.
5 | During this movement, hold your chest up and keep your heels on the ground.
6 | Keep your knees forward for a moment.
7 | Return to the standing position by pushing through your heels.
Balance break: If you need help balancing in the pool, hold onto a flotation device or the side of the pool. At home, try these next to the counter or a sturdy chair.
Bicep curls
Recommended reps: 3 sets of 6 to 10 reps
Depth: Between your chest and shoulders with your arms mostly underwater
Quick tip: Start out with just your body weight. Once you master the movement, you can hold a pool noodle, wear a webbed glove, or use water weights. If you’re on land, use regular dumbbells.
1 | Stand holding your chest up. Your shoulders should be back and down. Your feet should be staggered. Or you can maintain a wide stance to help with stability.
2 | Face your palms forward.
3 | Keep your elbows near your sides, and bend your arms at the elbows, bringing the weight to your shoulders.
4 | Slowly lower your arms.
5 | Throughout the movement, be sure to engage your core. Do your best to not lean forward or backward.
Always check with your doctor before starting a new workout routine.